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    BIO™ New Zealand Propolis capsules contain pure concentrated premium New Zealand propolis with high levels of bioactives in every dose for powerful immune support and antioxidant protection. ABOUT BIO™ NEW ZEALAND PROPOLIS

    Nature’s powerful protector, propolis is a powerful natural substance made by bees from plant resins to sterilise and protect the hive against infection.
    New Zealand’s unique environment produces propolis that is especially rich in bioactives and our research has identified the most potent bioactive flavonoids and caffeates including Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE).

    Manuka Health BIO™ New Zealand Propolis is the only propolis tested for bioactive flavonoids and caffeates, with guaranteed levels in every dose to deliver high strength immune support and antioxidant protection in the body.

    Certified to contain a minimum of 30mg of bioactives (flavonoids and caffeates including CAPE) per 2 capsules.

    (per 2 capsules): BIO™ New Zealand Propolis 140mg, providing min. 30mg of bioactives. capsule ulating aids: soybean oil, carob powder (anticaking agent), beeswax, lecithin, d-alpha tocopherol (vitamin E)

    Directions & Precautions
    Propolis may cause allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. Not suitable for children under 4 years of age.

    Take up to 4 capsules daily



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