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    What is Cranclense used for?Cranclense is used to support natural bladder, vaginal and urinary tract function for those needing ongoing support in those areas.How does Cranclense work?Cranclense helps discourage bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and washes them away with the urine to support urinary tract health.

    Each CRANCLENSE effervescent tablet contains:. ? Herbal extract equivalent to 10 grams of Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) fresh fruit. ? Other ingredients: sodium bicarbonate 1.5 g citric acid anhydrous 750 mg and tartaric acid 800 mg. These are alkalising ingredients which raise the pH (or reduce the acidity) of urine.

    Directions & Precautions
    Warnings & Precautions
    áIf symptoms pain or irritation persist for more than 48 hours consult your doctor.

    Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your healthcare professional. Vitamins are supplementary to a balanced diet. Weight Management products should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise.

    Warnings & Precautions
    áIf symptoms pain or irritation persist for more than 48 hours consult your doctor.

    Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your healthcare professional. Vitamins are supplementary to a balanced diet. Weight Management products should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and exercise.


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