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    GEL TUBE 40 G


    Zen Herbal Gel is a combination of 8 traditional herbal medicines and 2 essential oils that rapidly penetrate to relieve pain or injury.
    The herbs and oils have been chosen for temporary pain relief and reduction of inflammation as well as improving circulation and healing at the injury site.

    Supports temporary discomfort of sore muscle and joints
    Ease to use rapid relief herbal formula

    Each 1mL contains tinctures eqiv. to dry:
    Panax pseuedoginseng root 25mg
    Angelica polymorpha root 15mg
    Spatholobus suberectus stem 15mg
    Commiphora molmol stem bark resin 13mg
    Boswellia carterii stem bark resin 185mg
    Drynaria fortunei rhizome 10mg
    Dipsacus japonicus root 9mg
    Arnica montana flower 1mg
    Mentha arvensis herb oil ess. 100mg
    Cajuput oil 5mg
    Non active ingredients: Camphor and Alcohol

    Directions & Precautions
    Do not use during pregnancy.
    Topical use only.
    Do not apply to broken skin or sensitive areas.
    Avoid eye contact.
    Avoid direct sun after applying.
    If skin sensitivity occurs discontinue use.
    Keep out of reach of children.

    Do not use during pregnancy.
    Topical use only.
    Do not apply to broken skin or sensitive areas.
    Avoid eye contact.
    Avoid direct sun after applying.
    If skin sensitivity occurs discontinue use.
    Keep out of reach of children.


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