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    Medizen Deep Cleasing Face Wash


    An instant go-to for “Bye-Bye oily, and hello, glowy” skin

    Medizen Deep Cleansing Face Wash is a blessing in disguise for oily and pimple-prone skin. It takes care of other problems that come with acne-prone skin like congested pores, blackheads, and breakouts. Your skin will be visibly smooth and soft, which is an issue for those with acne-skin. This face wash repairs and rejuvenate your skin. It not just cleanses, but keeps the skin hydrated, fresh and prevent further breakouts which are the biggest pain points for oily skin. if you are someone who is combating oily skin issues on a daily basis, then this product is made just the choice for you.

    • Helps prevent Acne, Pimple, Black heads & Scar
    • Deeply cleanses your skin while keeping the T-zone clean and oil-free
    • Makes the skin look young, healthy, soft and supple
    • Controls oil secretion
    • Controls excess sebum and thereby prevents further skin breakout


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