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    Good Health Sugar Stop™ is specially formulated to help balance sugar cravings. This product contains high levels of Deoxynojirimycin, the active ingredient in White Mulberry Leaf. This herb supports the elimination of unnecessary sugars from the body and also offers an antioxidant benefit for cardiovascular health. The mineral, Chromium Nicotinate has been added, to further maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

    Recommended for
    Many of us need support with sugar cravings. Eating refined carbohydrates can also influence our blood sugar levels and cause strong cravings for unhealthy foods. This may result in mood imbalances and many other health related concerns. White Mulberry leaf and Chromium together, have the ability to help balance blood sugar levels and thus support sugar cravings.

    Sugar cravings
    Mood & appetite control
    Weight management

    Ingredients: (per capsule)
    Herbal extracts equivalent to dry:
    White Mulberry Leaf extract
    Equiv. DNJ (Deoxynojirimycin) 3600mg
    Chromium Nicotinate
    Equiv. Chromium 4000mcg

    Directions & Precautions
    Caution: We advise people with diabetes to monitor blood sugar levels while taking this product. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

    Weight management products should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet, exercise programme and lifestyle changes.

    Adults: Take 1-2 capsules daily with a meal or as professionally advised.


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